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Eliza CoT starter kit

A simple agent that can answer questions.

Get started with CoT logs and observability with the Recall agent starter kit. If you have an existing agent, all you need to do is drop in a couple of small changes to your character's system prompt and then expose the plugin-recall-storage to your agent.


Clone the Recall agent starter kit:

git clone

Change into the project directory:

cd recall-agent-starter

Install the dependencies:

npm install

Build the project:

npm run build

You'll also want to make sure the Recall CLI is installed—follow the instructions to get started.

You MUST own tokens and credits to create a bucket and store data, respectively. The Recall Faucet will send you testnet tokens, which you can use to purchase credits with any of the Recall tools (SDK, CLI, etc.). The Recall Portal, for example, makes it easy to manage credits and tokens instead of handling it programmatically.

Agent setup & credit

In order to interact with Recall, you need an account (private key) that owns credits to write data, which are purchased with tokens. If needed, you can create one by running the following command with the Recall CLI, which prints both the private key and the public key (address):

recall account create

Never share your private key with anyone! The CLI helps generate it locally but does not save or store it anywhere, so make sure to save it in a secure location.

If you haven't already, head to the Recall Faucet and make a request to have tokens sent to your wallet address. The Recall Portal walks through credit purchases (required to store data), or tools like the CLI allow you to purchase credit for your agent to own and use directly. Alternatively, you can purchase credit for your personal "admin" account and delegate access to your agent's wallet—allowing them to use your wallet's credits and tokens instead of the agent owning them.

Create an agent memory store

You'll need to create a bucket to store your agent's CoT logs. You can do this with the CLI with the --alias flag, which creates bucket metadata with an alias key:

recall bucket create --alias logs

The created bucket will be represented onchain as a contract address (like 0xff00...8f). It will have referenceable metadata (i.e., {"alias": "logs"}) that the agent will use to find the correct bucket.

Set up your environment

Create a .env file in the root of the project and add the following.

# Required Recall settings
# Match the `modelProvider` defined in your `characters/eliza.character.json` file

Optionally, you can configure the sync interval and batch size, which dictate how CoT logs are written to Recall:

# Optional Recall settings
RECALL_BATCH_SIZE=4 # CoT batch size in KB, defaults to 4KB
RECALL_SYNC_INTERVAL=120000 # Sync interval in ms, defaults to 2 minutes (120000ms)
RECALL_NETWORK="testnet" # Network name, defaults to testnet

An example character file is provided in characters/eliza.character.json, and it defaults to using OpenAI models (but you can choose your own provider). You can customize this to your liking, but the essential modifications include a CoT and reasoning logging:

  • system: Modify the system prompt to coerce the model to reason through its response.
  • messageExamples: Add examples of CoT and reasoning logging to help the model understand how to respond.
  "name": "Recall Agent",
  "modelProvider": "openai", // Optionally, change the model provider.
  // ...
  "system": "# Instructions: Think step-by-step before responding.\n\nPlease follow these steps in your chain-of-thought: ...",
  // ...
  "messageExamples": [
        "user": "{{user1}}",
        "content": {
          "text": "hey Recall Agent, you can add an object to the bucket named 'foo'?"
        "user": "Recall Agent",
        "content": {
          "text": "<chain-of-thought>...</chain-of-thought>\nFinal Answer:\n..."

Run the agent

Being by running the start script, passing in the character file:

npm run start -- --character characters/eliza.character.json

This will start up a chat agent that you can interact with. The agent will store CoT logs locally and batch them into jsonl files at predefined intervals and size thresholds. As the model takes actions, you'll be able to see the actions and batching logs:

[2025-02-07 17:13:31] INFO: Starting periodic log sync...
[2025-02-07 17:13:31] INFO: Looking for bucket with alias: logs
[2025-02-07 17:13:31] INFO: Bucket with alias "logs" not found, creating a new one.
[2025-02-07 17:13:36] INFO: Successfully created new bucket "logs" at 0xff0000000000000000000000000000000000008f
[2025-02-07 17:13:36] INFO: Found 1 unsynced logs.
[2025-02-07 17:13:36] INFO: Processing log entry of size: 861 bytes
[2025-02-07 17:13:36] INFO: Current batch size is 861 bytes, within the limit of 4 KB. Not syncing yet.

Let's send a simple message to the agent:

You: Create a bucket named 'recall-agent'
Agent: ✅ Successfully created or retrieved bucket **"recall-agent"** at address: **0xff00000000000000000000000000000000000094**

The step above will log information about what the agent is doing, but this is only available locally. For example, it's printed to the console, and only certain pieces might be included in the default databases that come with the Eliza stack.

[2025-02-07 17:14:18] INFO: Executing handler for action: CREATE_BUCKET
[2025-02-07 17:14:18] INFO: CREATE_BUCKET Handler triggered: Create a bucket named 'recall-agent'
[2025-02-07 17:14:18] INFO: Creating bucket with alias: recall-agent
[2025-02-07 17:14:18] INFO: Looking for bucket with alias: recall-agent
[2025-02-07 17:14:18] INFO: Bucket with alias "recall-agent" not found, creating a new one.

Inspect the logs and CoT

Once the batch size is exceeded, the logs will be synced to Recall:

[2025-02-07 17:14:21] INFO: Batch size currently 4423 bytes, exceeding limit of 4 KB. Syncing batch...
[2025-02-07 17:14:31] INFO: Batched JSONL logs stored under key: cot/1738948461879.jsonl

As the model progresses, you'll notice it automatically pull the logs into its context window:

[2025-02-07 17:14:21] INFO: Looking for bucket with alias: logs
[2025-02-07 17:14:21] INFO: Found existing bucket "logs" at 0xFF0000000000000000000000000000000000008f
[2025-02-07 17:14:27] INFO: Retrieving chain-of-thought logs from bucket: 0xFF0000000000000000000000000000000000008f

You can then use any Recall tooling to see exactly what the agent did, such as with the CLI:

recall bucket query --address 0xFF0000000000000000000000000000000000008f \
--prefix cot/

This will return all the logs in the bucket:

  "objects": [
      "key": "cot/1738948461879.jsonl",
      "value": {
        "hash": "xipamlatvtmbub2prsirwywii4wgmhwzubez4dfcpupgagjwcmdq",
        "size": 682,
        "metadata": {
          "content-type": "application/octet-stream"
  "common_prefixes": [],
  "next_key": null

Then, retrieve the logs and print them to the console:

recall bucket get --address 0xFF0000000000000000000000000000000000008f \
--key cot/1738948461879.jsonl
  "userMessage": "Create a bucket named 'recall-agent'",
  "log": "1. The user, 12dea96f-ec20-0935-a6ab-75692c994959, has requested to create a bucket named 'recall-agent'.\n2. From the previous interactions, it is evident that the user has already been interacting with the Recall service, as seen from the queries about Recall.\n3. The task is straightforward: to create a new bucket with the specified name 'recall-agent' on the Recall service.\n4. The most appropriate action from the available actions is CREATE_BUCKET, as it directly aligns with the user's request to create a new bucket on the Recall service.\n5. There is no indication that this bucket already exists, so the action should proceed to create it."

Visualize the logs

Head over to the Recall Portal and search for the bucket. This gives you constant insight into what your agent is doing. It not only helps debug its performance and decision making but also helps the model learn and share its findings with other agents!

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