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S3 plugin

Use S3-compatible storage with your Eliza agent.

The Eliza S3 plugin comes by default in its plugin-node plugin, which is widely used for its multi-purpose tools and actions.


You can either choose to clone the Eliza starter kit and use one of their examples, or you can install the dependencies directly. We'll run through the latter.

First, install core Eliza packages, including @elizaos/plugin-node for the S3 plugin, and a couple other packages (for database setup, environment variables, etc.):

npm install @elizaos/core @elizaos/plugin-node @elizaos/client-direct @elizaos/plugin-bootstrap @elizaos/adapter-sqlite better-sqlite3 dotenv

You'll also want to make sure you're the correct version of node (v23.3.0). For example, you can use either nvm or pnpm to set it up:

nvm install 23.3.0
nvm use 23.3.0

Make sure you've also installed the Recall S3 adapter binary wherever you want to run the Eliza agent.

You MUST own tokens and credits to create a bucket and store data, respectively. The Recall Faucet will send you testnet tokens, which you can use to purchase credits with any of the Recall tools (SDK, CLI, etc.). The Recall Portal, for example, makes it easy to manage credits and tokens instead of handling it programmatically.


Start the adapter

Then, start the Recall S3 adapter with the following command, replacing the values with your own:

recall_s3 \
--private-key [your_private_key] \
--access-key AKEXAMPLES3S \
--secret-key SKEXAMPLES3S

Create a bucket

You'll need an existing bucket to use the GAME plugin. You can do this with an S3-compatible tool (since we have the adapter running already), or use the Recall CLI to create one. The key callout is that you must set the alias metadata to eliza-bucket (or whatever bucket alias you like):

recall bucket create --metadata 'alias=eliza-bucket'

Create a .env file

Next, we'll copy the example environment file:

cp .env.example .env

There are a few environment variables you'll need to set. You can choose your model provider (as defined in your Eliza character file), but we'll use OpenAI for this example.

# OpenAI
# Recall S3 adapter

A few callouts:

  • The S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID, S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, and S3_ENDPOINT should be the same as the ones you use to run the recall_s3 binary.
  • The S3_BUCKET is the aliased bucket name. Note that if the adapter is running with a private key that is not the same as the creator of the bucket, you'll need to use the expanded format <0x_wallet_address>.<bucket_name>. The bucket usage docs describe the format in more detail, but generally, you likely just use game-bucket as the value.
  • The S3_FORCE_PATH_STYLE should be set to true if you're using a local S3 adapter, which ensures the way objects are added or retrieved matches the adapter's expectation.
  • Optionally, you can set the AWS_S3_UPLOAD_PATH to a custom object prefix.

Create helper functions

Set up database and cache

There are quite a few dependencies to import for the Eliza agent, so we'll start by setting up the utility methods for database and caching, which are required for the agent to run.

import { SqliteDatabaseAdapter } from "@elizaos/adapter-sqlite";
import { CacheManager, Character, DbCacheAdapter, IDatabaseCacheAdapter } from "@elizaos/core";
import Database from "better-sqlite3";
import { existsSync, mkdirSync } from "fs";
import path from "path";

Our helpers functions will use a SQLite database to store the agent's state, and a cache to store the character's data. Later, we'll use the bootstrap plugin to create the tables in our database automatically, which is necessary to store agent memories and state.

export function initializeDatabase(dataDir: string = "./data") {
  if (!existsSync(dataDir)) {
    mkdirSync(dataDir, { recursive: true });
  const filePath = path.resolve(dataDir, "db.sqlite");
  const db = new SqliteDatabaseAdapter(new Database(filePath));
  return db;
export function initializeDbCache(character: Character, db: IDatabaseCacheAdapter) {
  const cache = new CacheManager(new DbCacheAdapter(db,;
  return cache;

Set up the character

First, we'll get our imports set up:

import { DirectClient } from "@elizaos/client-direct";
import {
  type Character,
} from "@elizaos/core";
import { bootstrapPlugin } from "@elizaos/plugin-bootstrap";
import { type AwsS3Service, createNodePlugin } from "@elizaos/plugin-node";
import * as dotenv from "dotenv";
import { initializeDatabase, initializeDbCache } from "./util.js";

Next, we'll need to set up a character file. Eliza has many built-in character examples, and they also expose a default character that you can override.

When we initialize the character, we'll override the model provider to use OpenAI, and set the secrets to use the environment variables we set up earlier. These are required for the S3 plugin to work. Also, if you don't set a model provider, it might default to a downloaded model...which can be quite large.

// Load environment variables
const {
} = process.env;
// Create a character with the default settings and overrides
const character = {
  modelProvider: ModelProviderName.OPENAI,
  settings: {
    secrets: {

Configure the agent

Now, we'll create a client to interact with the agent. We'll need the node plugin (for the S3 functionality), database, and cache.

async function main() {
  const client = new DirectClient();
  const nodePlugin = createNodePlugin();
  const db = initializeDatabase();
  await db.init();
  const cache = initializeDbCache(character, db);
main().catch((error) => {

Then, we need to create the agent runtime, passing the values we set up earlier, and then register the agent with the client.

async function main() {
  // Existing code...
  const runtime = new AgentRuntime({
    token: OPENAI_API_KEY,
    modelProvider: ModelProviderName.OPENAI,
    databaseAdapter: db,
    cacheManager: cache,
    plugins: [bootstrapPlugin, nodePlugin],
  await runtime.initialize();

Lastly, we'll need to create a function to run the agent. Here, we'll insert a simple example of writing a hardcoded object to the S3 adapter.

async function main() {
  // Existing code...
  const awsS3Service: AwsS3Service = runtime.getService(ServiceType.AWS_S3);
  const json = { hello: "world" };
  const key = "hello/world";
  const prefix = ""; // We already set the prefix in the environment variables
  const useSignedUrl = true;
  const ttl = 3600; // 1 hour
  const result = await awsS3Service.uploadJson(json, key, prefix, useSignedUrl, ttl);;
  client.start(); // Default port is 3000`Started ${} as ${runtime.agentId}`);

Run the agent

Now, we can finally run the agent by calling the main function! Depending on your setup, you may need to run the agent with something like ts-node or tsx, e.g., npx tsx index.ts.

This will log the configured agent information, and the we'll see our object uploaded to the S3 adapter. Afterwards, the client will start and be available for API requests.

[2025-02-10 04:09:58] INFO: Eliza(b850bc30-45f8-0041-a00a-83df46d8555d) - Initializing AgentRuntime with options:
    character: "Eliza"
    modelProvider: "openai"
    characterModelProvider: "openai"
[2025-02-10 04:09:58] INFO: Eliza(b850bc30-45f8-0041-a00a-83df46d8555d) - Setting Model Provider:
    characterModelProvider: "openai"
    optsModelProvider: "openai"
    finalSelection: "openai"
[2025-02-10 04:09:58] INFO: Eliza(b850bc30-45f8-0041-a00a-83df46d8555d) - Selected model provider: openai
[2025-02-10 04:09:58] INFO: Eliza(b850bc30-45f8-0041-a00a-83df46d8555d) - Selected image model provider: openai
[2025-02-10 04:09:58] INFO: Eliza(b850bc30-45f8-0041-a00a-83df46d8555d) - Selected image vision model provider: openai
[2025-02-10 04:09:58] INFO: Initializing LlamaService...
[2025-02-10 04:34:21] INFO:
    success: true
    key: "logs/hello/world"
    url: "http://localhost:8014/0x90f79bf6eb2c4f870365e785982e1f101e93b906.eliza-bucket/logs/hello/world?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Content-Sha256=UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD&X-Amz-Credential=AKEXAMPLES3S%2F20250210%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20250210T043421Z&X-Amz-Expires=3600&X-Amz-Signature=7b76ee848cba59fa1c366a3198a1d9114e7010006d9a84b1f8566879315ddded&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&x-amz-checksum-mode=ENABLED&x-id=GetObject"
[2025-02-10 04:34:21] INFO: Started Eliza as b850bc30-45f8-0041-a00a-83df46d8555d

We can then use the Recall CLI or other S3-compatible tool to view the object in our bucket! Lastly, if you want to interact with the agent, the direct client we started is running on port 3000 (by default).

For example, we can send a simple message to the uuid of the agent (logged above as b850bc30-45f8-0041-a00a-83df46d8555d):

curl -X POST http://localhost:3002/b850bc30-45f8-0041-a00a-83df46d8555d/message \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
  "text": "hi there",
  "userId": "user123",
  "userName": "dtb",
  "roomId": "room123"

And the model will respond with something like:

    "user": "Eliza",
    "text": "back again, i see. tell me, are we on a quest to decode the mysteries of Recall today, or is there another digital adventure on the horizon?",
    "action": "NONE"

Although interacting with these APIs does not explicitly use our bucket upload logic, it'd be straightforward to enhance this setup to persist agent state or relevant interactions (e.g., user-provided files) within Recall.

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