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Running the localnet

Leverage a Dockerized multi-node setup for development.

This page walks through how to spin up a local Recall network with Docker (localnet) and presumes you've done the steps described in the preceding setup page.


The localnet is a three node network that runs in Docker containers. It's a bit intensive to start up but allows you to quickly iterate and build without relying on the remote testnet. It starts up all of the services, provides you with prefunded accounts, and can be useful with any of the Recall developer tooling.


All scripts use cargo make to start Docker containers, volumes, and a Docker network. Before getting started, make sure that Docker is running by checking the status of the Docker daemon:

docker ps

If it's not running, start it:

Make sure the Docker Desktop app is installed, and then open it.

open /Applications/

Make sure you're currently in the ipc repository's root directory (from the previous setup and installation step). We'll be running the local network from the scripts folder.

All scripts use cargo make to start docker containers, volumes, and a docker network. You can use docker ps to check the status of each container. Also, you must run the scripts from the root of the repo!

Startup & shutdown

A localnet deployments will create a subnet with anvil as the rootnet (parent). The scripts will handle localnet validator keys (using the standard anvil accounts) and configs in the config folder (defaults to ~/.ipc). In the root of the ipc repo, you can run the localnet with the following Makefile command:

make run-localnet

If you want to, for example, skip the build and dependency installation steps, you can do so with the following. Namely, after you build the localnet images for the first time, it's common to skip the build and dependency steps (unless new changes are made to the ipc codebase).

SKIP_BUILD=true SKIP_DEPENDENCIES=true make run-localnet

Lastly, if you're ready to stop the network, you can run the stop script:

make stop-localnet

Also optional is the recall CLI, which (if installed) will pre-buy credits for all accounts in the localnet subnet setup. Follow the instructions in the rust-recall repo to install it: here.

The following outlines general observations for how long the localnet deployment process takes and various metrics:

  • Deploy + build images: ~7 minutes
  • Deploy with prebuilt images: ~5 minutes (i.e., SKIP_BUILD=true)
  • Blocks: ~1 per second
  • Topdown messages: ~2 minutes (e.g., depositing funds from the rootnet)
  • Bottomup messages: ~15 seconds
  • Stopping the network: ~40–45 seconds


Deploying a network will log various steps and summary information to the console, including the RPC URLs and contracts. It'll also show the available accounts, private keys, and respective balances.

Once the startup process is complete, each Docker container will also log its own information to the console.

Docker containers

Use docker ps to list the network's containers. Each validator has six containers, and there are a few others used across the full network.

You can check a validator's logs with docker logs <container-name>. The following containers are created (as shown for validator 0), and you can replace the 0 with 1 or 2 to inspect the other validators:

  • validator-0-fendermint
  • validator-0-cometbft
  • validator-0-promtail
  • validator-0-objects
  • validator-0-ethapi
  • validator-0-iroh
  • prometheus
  • grafana
  • anvil
  • loki


You can test using the subnet with the recall SDK & CLI. Keys are not logged if you're running a testnet. For localnet, keys are logged with their corresponding balances. You'll notice the first three accounts correspond to the validators and marked as reserved. If you're trying to do non-validator actions (e.g., create a bucket or timehub), it's best to avoid these accounts since nonce race conditions can occur.

Parent gateway:            0x9A676e781A523b5d0C0e43731313A708CB607508
Parent registry:           0x322813Fd9A801c5507c9de605d63CEA4f2CE6c44
Parent supply source:      0x4A679253410272dd5232B3Ff7cF5dbB88f295319
Parent validator gater:    0x70e0bA845a1A0F2DA3359C97E0285013525FFC49
Parent validator rewarder: 0x09635F643e140090A9A8Dcd712eD6285858ceBef
Subnet gateway:            0x77aa40b105843728088c0132e43fc44348881da8
Subnet registry:           0x74539671a1d2f1c8f200826baba665179f53a1b7
Subnet blob manager:    0xe1Aa25618fA0c7A1CFDab5d6B456af611873b629
Subnet bucket manager:  0xf7Cd8fa9b94DB2Aa972023b379c7f72c65E4De9D
Subnet credit manager:  0x82C6D3ed4cD33d8EC1E51d0B5Cc1d822Eaa0c3dC

Account balances:
Parent native: 10000 ETH
Parent RECALL:   100 RECALL
Subnet native: 5000 RECALL
Subnet credits: 5000000000000000000000

(0) 0xf39fd6e51aad88f6f4ce6ab8827279cfffb92266 (reserved)
(1) 0x70997970c51812dc3a010c7d01b50e0d17dc79c8 (reserved)
(2) 0x3c44cdddb6a900fa2b585dd299e03d12fa4293bc (reserved)
(3) 0x90f79bf6eb2c4f870365e785982e1f101e93b906 (available)

Private keys:
(0) ac0974bec39a17e36ba4a6b4d238ff944bacb478cbed5efcae784d7bf4f2ff80
(1) 59c6995e998f97a5a0044966f0945389dc9e86dae88c7a8412f4603b6b78690d
(2) 5de4111afa1a4b94908f83103eb1f1706367c2e68ca870fc3fb9a804cdab365a
(3) 7c852118294e51e653712a81e05800f419141751be58f605c371e15141b007a6

You can use then these keys with the recall SDK and CLI by creating an .env file and sourcing it, or by setting the variables in your shell. Keep in mind a NETWORK variable is used by fendermint and ipc-cli but with a different value, so it's best to use separate terminal windows when using the recall CLI alongside the others.

export RECALL_NETWORK=localnet
export RECALL_PRIVATE_KEY=7c852118294e51e653712a81e05800f419141751be58f605c371e15141b007a6

Then, use recall as normal, e.g., recall account info or recall bucket create. Similarly, the Rust SDK lets you use the localnet by explicitly initializing it with recall_sdk::network::Network::Localnet.init(), or the JS SDK lets you import the localnet chain.

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