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Object API

Endpoints for interacting with the Recall network's object API.

The object API exposes a set of endpoints for interacting with the Recall network's blob storage. Buckets are an abstraction around blobs the help you manage these blobs. Under the hood, Recall nodes use Iroh and expose the HTTP API to allow anyone to upload signed data to the Recall network.

Base URL

The object API endpoints for each of the Recall chain environments are listed below:

  • testnet:
  • localnet or devnet:


  • GET /health: Check the health of the node.
  • GET /v1/node: Get information about the node.
  • POST /v1/objects: Create a new bucket.
  • GET /v1/objects/<bucket>/<object_key>: Download an object from a bucket.

Node health

GET /health

The node health endpoint is used to check the health of the node. It returns a 200 status code if the node is healthy.


curl -X GET http://localhost:8001/health

Node information

GET /v1/node

The node information endpoint is used to get information about the node, particularly, with respect to Iroh. It lists the node's ID (a public key, base32 encoded), relay URL, and the set of direct addresses it is connected to.


curl -X GET http://localhost:8001/v1/node

It returns a JSON object with the following fields:

  "node_id": "3jlwzcxgdd25z5uun3skbqiottw44s3t5tpl2nwsugo3nujsqw6q",
  "info": {
    "relay_url": "",
    "direct_addresses": [""]

When you upload data to the Recall network, you will need to know the information above to properly stage your data for the asynchronous-sync transaction and data upload process.

Downloading an object

GET /v1/objects/<bucket>/<object_key>

The object download endpoint is used to download an object from a bucket.


We'll set an environment variable for the bucket and object key.

export BUCKET="0xff000000000000000000000000000000000000ac"
export OBJECT_KEY="hello/world"

Then, we'll download the object, passing in the bucket and object key.

curl -X GET http://localhost:8001/v1/objects/$BUCKET/$OBJECT_KEY > downloaded.txt

Note the the contents will be written to stdout unless you redirect it to a file.

Uploading an object

POST /v1/objects

The object upload endpoint is a two step process. It is best recommended to avoid using this API directly and, instead, use the Recall CLI, SDK, or other clients that help you manage the process.

The upload endpoint is designed to accept multipart form data with the following fields:

  • chain_id: The chain ID for Recall.
  • msg: The signed message to upload. This accepts either an EVM EIP-1559 signed transaction, or an FVM signed message, where the bytes are encoded as a base64 string.
  • hash: The blake3 hash of the object.
  • size: The size of the object, in bytes.
  • source: The Iroh source node ID.

If you do want to use this API directly, you can do so by following the steps below:

  1. Get node information from the /v1/node endpoint.
  2. Calculate the blake3 hash of the object.
  3. Calculate the size of the object, in bytes.
  4. Create a signed message from the EVM EIP-1559 signed transaction or FVM signed message, and then base64 encode it.
  5. Create a multipart form data request.
  6. Upload the form data to the endpoint.

Below is an example where we have set the environment variables for the chain ID, signed message, and source node ID. The hash corresponds to a simple file with contents hello\n, and the source is shown for demonstration purposes. Note a validator's API expects the source ID to be different than its own node ID. Thus, this staging process will require you run some in-memory or persistent Iroh node in the background.

curl -X POST http://localhost:8001/v1/objects \
  -F "chain_id=$CHAIN_ID" \
  -F "msg=$MSG" \
  -F "hash=rzghyg4z3p6vbz5jkgc75lk64fci7kieul65o6hk6xznx7lctkmq" \
  -F "size=6" \
  -F "source=r4md6oqwcbb2my4jkjqnah2yhvcvyjhefdmdruoiknawuedg2kja"

This will return the following, which confirms the object was uploaded successfully:

  "hash": "rzghyg4z3p6vbz5jkgc75lk64fci7kieul65o6hk6xznx7lctkmq",
  "metadata_hash": "layatwp4aemy3mavbdogxspg6effz34runowi3ltuw32qgonwbgq"

The metadata_hash is a blake3 hash used by Recall for data availability and recovery purposes.

We'll put out more detailed examples for how to do this in the future. For now, it's best to rely on the Recall clients that handle the upload process.

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